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Crop Circles




Cum grano salis
Margherita Campaniolo

Viaggio nel mondo dei cerchi nel grano: la "naturalis historia" dei crop circles in un testo senza precedenti per documentazione ed argomentazioni, che non mancherà di suscitare controversie 

101 pagine

riccamente illustrate


The “naturalis historia” of the crop circles in an unprecedented text, as regards documentation and reasoning, which will certainly be subject to controversy

101 pages

richly illustrated




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Italian version


Crop circle 2010 at Poirino


A Crop Circle  

as The Arabian Nights

Pretty Sherazad, in a beginning summer night  


by Margherita Campaniolo

English version by Giuseppina Cusenza


Frantic hours, this afternoon, here at Space Freedom but, not only here, and not only since this afternoon... All started early this morning, when a hot, meteorologically speaking, and quiet day,  13th June 2010, has suddenly become an unexpected and chance day as well as a wonderful one. This happened to a Piemonte citizen who, this morning, at early time, was wondering around the Agrigelateria San Pe' near Poirino. While he was looking around the fields he found that, on the wheat and barley field in front of him there was something.... the lands before him, lightly downward slope, clearly shows something that, interrupting the regular plants thickness, creates a drawing.

"I know somebody who flies, therefore I try; I call him. Luckily he is free and available to go along me: he will fly on the place with his camera on and he will let me know. He does tell me that he will not be astonished if it is a crop circle being that, in the surroundings, it is still told of when, some years ago, they flew on a well made crop. Waiting the news I came back home and I could not hold my curiosity to see if on internet there was still a track of this crop circle of which my acquaintance  told me and Google found me here below: I am not interested in finding who creates them or in how they can do so nice drawings, but, in few hours, after  confirmation  that  I really saw a crop circle and that this was more amazing than the previous one, I came back to your  link to write you. Surely it  is worth being admired".



I was really surprised by these pictures and thanks to Mister XY (I keep to his wish to be anonymous) for sending them. A crop circle of such undoubted beauty. Great: easy to calculate the dimensions that I would say of an extension on an area of at least 160 m per 140 m (taking up a grown wheat surface around 22400 square meters). Excellent performance, a flower full of details made of several single parts between circles (above all circles), rings and oval shapes.

It is not so difficult noting the asymmetry of the "decorations" of the circles inside to each “petal” : the small circles that "fill" the two halves of each ring are not of the same quantity, never. Breaking the symmetry of a so detailed drawing cannot be by chance and one thinks that there is a reason, an intention; any message in numerical language to decode? Which one?



If last year, after the crop circles of Cascina Martina at Riva near Chieri, I dared to define the provinces of Torino, Asti, Alessandria and Cuneo, the "Italic Wiltshire", today, by the  crop circle 2010 of Poirino we have a definitive confirmation, both for the quality of the performance and the stylistic research but the dimensions as well: this crop circle, until now, is the greatest circle never arranged in Italy.



I do not believe that there is more to add but to say that, I am sure, people will speak again of this crop circle, and for long time... I will not take away from saying some personal opinions "on the spot".

Do you know the story of  "The Arabian nights"? One of the versions tells of a king who, after the betrayal of one of his wives (who he loved deeply), decides to revenge but with all wives. As  punishing the female sex, worth of being "possessed" but, in the end  "removed",  before he shares with them the first wedding night and after he kills them. One of them, the pretty Sherazad, finds a way to save herself, telling each night, to the bridegroom, a different story, but saving to reveal the end of each story on the night after. In this way Sherazad told stories for thousand and one nights until the king realized that no stories tied him to the woman but the woman herself, she was the one he could not do without.

Why I am telling you of this? May be because this wonderful crop circle looks much to those magnificent jewels, plenty of details that the Eastern women wear or perhaps because, at a time when I believed that the crop circles did “say” nothing more to me , paradoxically two ends, the simple circle of Riesi before and the "shameless" circle of Poirino then, say me that no their “stories” can give me a "why" but what that the circles are.

And the king felt in love with Sherazad and she had her life "safe" ...

Per approfondire

Updated - Aggiornamento Poirino 2010


Data: 13 giugno 2010 - English version 22 june 2010

Autore: Margherita Campaniolo

Fonte: Space Freedom

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