Database 2003 |
A circle among rapeseed flowers Michael Glickman informs the community interested in crop circles of this new crop circle by Margherita Campaniolo Translation in English of Dr. Giuseppina Cusenza
05/05/2004 A long wait this year for the English crop circles, the most beautiful of many others that by now “dot” the countries of several parts of the earth. In 2003 the season started, the 20th April, with the wonderful "eight" http://www.margheritacampaniolo.it/littleeight.htm , followed shortly by a pattern that could remind the shape of a rosette. http://www.margheritacampaniolo.it/databasecropRUA.htm. Both appeared, as per established tradition for the first English crop circles, in the rapeseed fields, like the specific rapeseed. Nowadays the tradition, although some days later, recurs. It is Michael Glickman’s announcement, by the web pages of Crop Circle Connector, the appearance of a circle of about 20 feet of diameter, a single circle on the rapeseed plants that, due to the late season, shows in full blossom. A circle among the yellow rapeseed flowers therefore! The crop circle appeared in Wiltshire, nr Beckhampton, a Bishop Cannings Down. Although the Wiltshire, with the Hampshire, is one of the English counties with the most pictograms coming out every year, in the county of Bishop Cannings Down this has not happened since 2000 when, the 18th of June, appeared a complex of crop circle on the barley made up by a geometry including ten triangles and three pentagons having three-dimensional effect in a circle http://home.clara.net/lucypringle/photos/2000/uk2000au.html Glickman, soon as received the news the 1st of May 2004, has got a further confirmation thanks to Nick Nicholson who, the 4th of May, flew over the field taking some photos; these may be seen at link http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2004/bishopcanningsdown2004a/bishopcanningsdown2004a.html Due to the unfavourable weather conditions of the place, the field is rather muddy and it is not possible to carry out, at present time, an inspection within the circle. When the soil will have dried, Glickman will be able to add further data and details.
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Margherita Campaniolo
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